To quickly receive the 7 DIVINE PRAYERS
and to receive MY FREE GIFT

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Yes Elissa, you have understood perfectly that I am currently living in a particularly difficult period. My morale is low and dark thoughts have invaded my mind. I agree with you: the time for action has come.

Together, with the help of the Heavens, we must reverse the course of things, and move things in my favo

I therefore ask you to perform for me FREE OF CHARGE the GREAT AND SPECIAL LITURGICAL ACTION. You will then send me remotely your powerful Positive Angelic Energy. Thereafter, very quickly my mind will be free of all unwanted dark thoughts.

Immediately after that you will send me the 7 Divine Prayers:

You promise me that I will not have anything complicated to do in order to implement this powerful Secret. Very easily, my magic words will “rise to the Heavens” and will be “heard” by the great higher bodies. You will give me specific instructions and suggestions.

I will then be in possession of what is called the “Absolute Divine Commandment” the power to command Luck and Money into my life. Thereafter, I will be able to see in the coming days all the major financial events appear in my life.

I confirm my request, and give you the sum below by following these steps…

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