You made the right choice, and change is on the horizon
Thanks so much for accepting the help I offered. All the struggles and hardships that rule your day-to-day life will melt away soon.
Are you ready to meet your destiny? Are you ready for lasting positive transformation?
Of course you are.
Read on. Discover all the secrets and revelations contained within your Complete Four Card Tarot.
Remember what I told you, ?
The Tarot deck I’ve used to complete this reading is incredibly powerful, full of potent ancient magic.
The ability to complete a reading with this deck is a rare gift, and the reading itself takes a huge amount of effort and energy. But for you, I was happy to work long and hard to uncover the truth.
And guess what?
I found out some amazing things!
The cosmic forces that control the universe handed me so much information about your future.
Together, we’ll sort through all that information. We’ll make sure you end up on the right path – the path towards your brilliant future and your true destiny.
But first, let’s recap.
Your Initial Consultation
A bit ago, I performed a free initial consultation for you. During the introductory reading (which you might remember I had to complete twice!), I discovered that, in the next few months of your life, you will:
- Go on an important and life-changing journey
- Meet new people and create meaningful friendships/relationships with them
- Finally experience some good luck, and some wins in games of chances/money games
These meaningful friendships will develop because people are attracted to your new attitude – you’ll be carefree, financially and emotionally stable.
Like I’ve told you already, one connection in particular will be incredibly valuable.
Someone in your life wants to see you succeed. They’ll happily use their power and influence to help you achieve your goals. This person will be very useful to you, especially in the next few weeks.
Isn’t that amazing, ? Your very own guardian angel.
You might ask: Elissa, how can I find out who this is? Didn’t you say you’d tell me?
To figure out who you’re searching for, you should know that this person is incredibly kind and loving.
They’re a beacon of light and positivity, popular with others because they’re so friendly and sweet.
It could be a good friend. Or maybe even a family member?
Either way, you’ll know them when you see them. And they’ll support you unconditionally.
Your Cards
Let’s move on to the reading.
The first card drawn, The High Priestess, is really important. And in your situation, , it has a very specific meaning.
Let’s uncover it.
As you can see, The High Priestess is a strong woman in a position of power. She sits on a beautiful throne in a blue robe, representing calm and control.
The High Priestess represents intelligence, strength and intuition. Her appearance in your Complete Four Card Tarot confirms something I’ve thought for a long time: You’re a leader, .
You were born to rule, in one way or another. And you will.
Soon, you’ll find yourself in a situation that requires leadership and knowledge. You’ll need to learn, above everything else, to trust your intuition. If you can figure out exactly how to listen to your gut, you’ll never make the wrong decision again.
Try not to overcomplicate your thoughts and choices. Try to go with the flow. Believe in your instincts.
Though the situation that requires you to step up to the plate might seem stressful at first, it’ll be good for you. Trust me.
Becoming the leader you were born to be will turn your life around.
The whole experience will enhance your self-confidence and improve your judgment. You’ll be less afraid, once the dust settles, of taking big risks. And you’ll benefit massively from this.
Essentially, The High Priestess is telling you: Don’t be afraid of your own potential, . Show off your talent. The universe is on your side.
When you find your new inner power, you’ll be able to make widespread changes to your entire life.
You’ll forge the new relationships we’ve discussed already.
You’ll begin to live in a different way, more suited to your new role, and to who you truly are.
You’ll make decisions quickly and easily, without doubts and worries crowding your headspace.
The High Priestess is an influential card, full of independence. With her in your deck, success is pretty much guaranteed. When the time comes, you’ll know exactly what to do.
I’ve got absolute confidence in you, and soon, you’ll have absolute confidence in YOURSELF.
Look out for a shocking (but exciting!) surprise.
That brings us to card number two: Justice.
This card is the perfect companion to The High Priestess, and a second good omen, suggesting that you’ll soon get what you really deserve.
That you’ll soon experience real success.
You’ve worked hard, for years, to achieve results, and this work will massively pay off in the end. I hope that’s a relief to hear.
I’ll tell you again, because you deserve to know: Your success is almost guaranteed.
The High Priestess and Justice combine in your Complete Four Card Tarot to show us your impressive professional future.
Put in the effort, and you’ll get what you want. Behave correctly, and you’ll be rewarded.
Have you been holding off on a project that means a lot to you? Waiting for the “right time”?
If the answer is yes, start now. There’s never been a better moment for it.
Here’s something you might need to remember, going forward: Justice isn’t a solitary card, like The High Priestess. It’s a card of co-operation.
For the wheels of justice to turn smoothly, every person has to play their own part.
There’s a delicate balance between self-reliance and self-isolation, and you’ll need to avoid tipping that scale too far in either direction!
You can’t depend on others too much, but you also can’t push them away completely.
Given your history and past struggles, you might find it difficult to rely on people. I wouldn’t blame you if that were true.
But please, , ignore the feeling that you have to do everything on your own.
Put your trust in the people who deserve it.
Let them prove their love and dedication.
If you shut people out, negative energies will have a much easier time creeping back into your life and infecting your mindset. Keep your loved ones close, and don’t be afraid to trust them deeply.
Sometimes, teamwork is the missing ingredient that you desperately need to complete the recipe.
Justice also tells us that you’re an energetic, driven person. You work hard to achieve results.
At your best, this energy will burn beautifully and brightly. But at your worst?
Let’s just say that you should use your passion wisely. Be positive and productive with it.
Your energy might be in great supply, but it isn’t infinite. Everyone runs out of gas sometimes – especially if they aren’t treating their car (in this case, your body) with respect.
Stay true to yourself and your values. Make the most of every chance that comes your way.
The third card in your Complete Four Card Tarot is The Star.
The Star symbolizes your bright future and the wealth that’ll soon be on your doorstep.
See how it matches up perfectly with the professional success described by The High Priestess and Justice? You’re in for an impressive future, . It’s becoming clearer and clearer.
The Star is a very powerful and positive card, and it confirms that the incredible events I’ve seen in the next few weeks and months of your life are going to happen. You’re on exactly the right path.
Isn’t that a relief? Isn’t it good to know that finally, you’re doing the right thing? Heading in the right direction?
The Star also represents balance. Light and dark, far and near. Powerful but gentle. It predicts a future where you’re successful and happy in all areas of your life.
A future full of blissfully happy moments.
Can you see it stretching out ahead of you?
You’ll probably have to make some hard choices. You won’t be able to sit on the fence to achieve success on the level that you dream of.
But with The Star in your draw, you’re extremely likely to succeed.
The Temperance card represents a great deal at once. It’s a card of virtue and self-restraint.
In a different draw, with a different three cards spread out before it, Temperance could be read as a warning.
But when you combine it with The High Priestess, Justice and The Star?
It can only possibly be viewed in a positive light.
Rather than a warning, Temperance is a pat on the back. A congratulations for having already overcome so much to get to where you are. So, don’t worry, . Your days of struggle and sorrow are almost over.
And if we can keep you on the right track, it’ll stay that way for the rest of your life.
Temperance tells your story – a story of perseverance. It confirms what I already know about you: Your constant kindness and consistent hard work will soon lead to the success you’ve craved for so long.
Professionally, you’ll finally begin to receive the kind of praise and recognition that you’ve always deserved. A few life-changing job opportunities might come your way soon.
Financially, you’ll be in good shape. But remember that Temperance is a card of virtue. A reminder to stick to your morals. Don’t spend recklessly, even if it seems like a good idea in the moment. Think your purchases through.
Especially the big ones!
Summary of What I Discovered During Your Complete Four Card Tarot
Your reading revealed so much, . Even more than I expected.
Every one of your four cards was positive and triumphant, pointing towards your future success. Particularly professionally. Your financial situation is about to completely transform, and change is coming to each and every area of your life.
I know money has been tight, . And I know that money struggles can be a real burden.
I’m pleased to say that you can expect to have gained a substantial sum of money by this time next month.
Think about everything you’ll finally be able to do. Let out a deep breath of relief.
If you use your new cash sensibly, and don’t spend recklessly, you can banish money troubles forever. Deal with the essentials first. Treat yourself with what’s left over.
The cards suggest that the money will arrive in three lump sums. Two of these sums will be won in money games (I see a potential for six-digit figures here!), and the third will be a gift from someone who truly and wholeheartedly believes in you.
Your very lucky numbers are 8, 6, 25 and 67. Don’t be surprised if these digits show up in your lump sums.
If you ever feel like you’re not worthy of your sudden fortune, , just remember: You persevered for so long. You worked really hard to get to this point.
And if the cosmic forces that control the universe say you deserve it, then guess what?
You deserve it.
Your Complete Four Card Tarot tells us that your life will soon fill up with happiness and excitement.
Even when you’re overwhelmed by all the new joy and opportunity, I have confidence that you’ll stand firm and remember who you are. I’m certain you’ll never lose sight of your morals and values.
How do I know?
Because the Tarot tells us that, too. It expresses how strong and wise you are.
Once you’ve gained some self-confidence and mastered your self-control, you’ll be unstoppable. And how could anyone WANT to stop a person as wonderful as you?
You’ll make challenging decisions with ease. You’ll create deeper connections than ever before.
Make sure you don’t miss the signs of approaching negativity. Doubt, fear and jealousy could all poison your headspace. Dark and evil thoughts need to be quickly seen off by your Protective Totem.
Everything’s coming up , and if you handle difficult situations carefully, you’ll remain on that upward path. Every area of your life will improve.
I’d now like to offer you some detailed predictions and suggestions for the next three months of your life.
Gathering all this information and noting down all this guidance was a challenge.
But for you?
It was very much worth it.
The Next Three Months
Are you ready for the next three months, ? Are you ready for all the change and excitement to come?
Here are my predictions and suggestions – and there’s some really amazing stuff coming up!
These months won’t be without issues and complications, but with my advice, you’ll easily steer through any and all stormy waters and head straight back out onto calm seas.
A few different opportunities are likely to appear during this month. Sift through your options and figure out which choice is best for you. If you make the right one, it could be the start of an amazing adventure.
If you decide you’re interested in one opportunity in particular, you’ll probably end up moving to a brand-new place.
How does that sound? Is that something you want?
Look deep inside your heart, . Check in with yourself. And only make decisions that feel completely aligned with your future goals and dreams.
Something big is going to happen in your professional sphere during , and it’ll probably change some of your opinions. Don’t be afraid to learn and grow. Some of the best chances come from some of the toughest changes.
Believe in yourself and your abilities, communicate well, and everything should run smoothly for you.
Your biggest professional challenge in this month will be learning when to let go.
With so much important stuff on your plate, you’ll have to balance leadership and delegation. You’ll have to learn when to take control, and when to step back.
Look out for the lump sums of money that we talked about.
They should come during the first two weeks of the month, and they’re a chance for you to deal with the urgent issues of your past, so that you don’t have to carry them any further into your future.
Once your house is in order, you should finally have the chance to treat yourself, and those around you.
You’ve waited a long time for financial security, and finally, it’s about to arrive.
By the 22nd, your bank balance should be steadily climbing, as numerous waves of positive energy flood your astral sky and improve your overall fortune.
You might even have enough spare cash to start working on a passion project!
will include two extremely positive personal opportunities. Although these opportunities could turn out amazing, they’ll need to be handled delicately. Stay in control.
, you’re going to meet so many new people and start so many new friendships and relationships during this month.
You might be asking: Why?
Because your energy will be changing, of course! Because you’ll be becoming more and more positive as the month goes on.
Thanks to the work of your Protective Totem, you’ll be free of negativity, and your carefree charm will attract people from all walks of life.
You’ll light up every room and make friends without any trouble, thanks to your shining natural charisma.
You can be shy sometimes, , but I want you to enjoy your time in the spotlight. I want you to bask in the attention that you’ll get during .
If you can lean into your new popularity, you’ll be able to make one of the exciting events I mentioned above happen.
Just remember: There’s always more to discover about yourself. Any experience can be a learning one.
Towards the end of the month, you should be careful about how you talk to your friends and family. There’s disturbance in your astral sky between the 20th and the 28th which could cause arguments and confrontations to spark.
Avoid being aggressive or teasing during this time period. The last thing you want is to get into a long, drawn-out fight. Just keep your head down and focus on your work.
By the end of the month, things will be alright again, and happiness will be your primary emotion as draws to a close.
Prepare well for this month, , because things are looking busy!
You won’t have a lot of time for rest and relaxation, but you should make time for yourself wherever you can. Your health and wellbeing are priority number one.
As for priority number two, which closely follows?
You’ll have a unique opportunity to fulfill a personal goal that you’ve wanted to sort out for a long time. A project that’s really close to your heart.
It’s up to you to make this project a success, so I know you’ll be working very hard during . If you stay focused, you’ll do an amazing job, and everything will fall into place.
But do be careful. The last thing you want is to work so hard that you burn out. Rome wasn’t built in a day, after all.
Great work takes time.
Getting through will be challenging at times. But I know you can do it, . And the results of your hard work will make it all worth it in the end. Have faith, stay strong, and power on.
It might improve your mood to know that fortune and luck are on your side this month, more than ever.
If you choose to play money games and games of chance, your prayers for success are likely to be answered positively by the cosmic forces that control the universe.
If you make investments during , be sensible with them. Think about things carefully, and believe in your own intuition, like The High Priestess would.
In the last week and a half of the month, you’ll really begin to feel the effects of having worked so hard. You might be irritable, finding yourself snapping more than usual.
Just try your best to make it through with a calm head.
All anyone can ask of anyone else is that they do their best.
It’ll be a quiet month for your interpersonal relationships, and that’ll be fine by you.
You’ll be incredibly busy, working hard on the project that we just discussed, and those that truly love you will understand.
You’ll have some nice interactions, but nothing important or lasting will happen.
From the 26th to the end of the month, when you’re finally taking time away from work, you might notice that you feel exhausted (and a bit over-emotional!).
Your feelings will have built up throughout , and they’ll probably be all over the place. Try and lean into the positive emotions. Feed these. Act on these.
Starve the negative emotions until they fade away.
If you have the urge to be particularly generous, take it up. Be kind, and kindness will wind its way back to you in the future.
When you’re working through your emotions during this month, try to treat yourself as well as you would a friend who was going through something similar. You’re a generous, kind person, .
But sometimes, you’re a little mean to yourself.
We all do it. But we shouldn’t.
Don’t hold yourself to an insanely high standard if you’d never feel comfortable holding a friend to it. Don’t expect yourself to never fail. Or to never feel.
Be nice to , .
The Justice card let you know that you’d be unable to fully succeed unless you learned to work well with others, and this is particularly true during .
Communication will be absolutely key during your professional interactions this month.
Of course, it always is. It’s how we connect. But in these vital weeks, important discussions will happen at work, and a misunderstanding could change the trajectory of your future.
As you negotiate the course of your career, each decision will be important. Each sentence will be important!
Ask yourself two things, before you go into the important meetings that you’re likely to have:
- What do I want?
- How can I share that want quickly, clearly and politely?
Just because we can explain it to ourselves, doesn’t mean we’re ready to explain it to someone else. Prepare and road-test your answers to make sure that you come across in the way that you want to.
If you remain calm, open and positive, you’ll emerge victorious, with exactly what you wanted out of these talks.
If not, you might suffer a few professional losses that’ll take time and reflection to come back from.
But you will come back.
Either way, you’ll be in a solid financial position by the 27th.
Overall, you’ll really reap the rewards of what was sown in the last few months during .
You’ll see the biggest influx of money so far. You’ll feel very professionally fulfilled.
This month also looks set to be an extra lucky time for you. Fortune will burst into your astral sky early in the month, and your luck will last until at least the 21st. Make the most of it, !
Early in the month, you should try and take some time for yourself. You’ll need to take an emotional inventory and check in with yourself, after so much has changed around you.
You’ll probably hardly remember where you were three months ago. Isn’t that strange?
Can you even imagine, now, how that’s going to feel?
During this reflective time, don’t be afraid to be alone. Don’t even be afraid if, at times, your thoughts and feelings get a bit sad and melancholy.
It’s natural. It’s good to see things from every angle, and to be honest with ourselves about our feelings. We can acknowledge a bad feeling without letting it take us over. We can say: Hello, sadness. Nice to see you passing through.
And then we can go on with our day.
The 20th to the 24th of will be really special on an emotional level. You’ll set aside your desire to be in control and give in to the ebb and flow of love.
As you make big choices and life-altering decisions throughout the month, your friends and family might misunderstand your intentions. If they do, stay calm. Stay reasonable. Talk it out as best you can.
You might know exactly what you feel, and exactly what you mean. But do they?
How can you explain it to them?
Even if they never see it your way, you’ll feel better if you’ve tried your best to communicate effectively. As in your professional life, communication will be vital in your personal life during .
The last weekend of the month will be blissful, full of just you and the person you love the most.
It might also be a good time to make a big purchase, as luck will once again be on your side. Property? A fun trip abroad? A haul of long-dreamed-about items? It’s your call.
Whatever you choose, I hope you enjoy it.
In fact, I hope you enjoy every moment of your new life, .
Know that I’ll always be here, watching over you, ready to provide support.
Your friend,