My dearest friend,

I am writing to you

with hugely

thrilling news


Did you know we’re on the cusp of the second total lunar eclipse of the year on November 8th?

Isn’t that exciting?

Since it’s the second of the calendar year, you might think this type of massive astral event is a dime a dozen. And that would be understandable. But 2022 is a rare year, and that’s not the case at all.

Once the blood moon has faded on Tuesday, there will be no more total lunar eclipse events until March 14th, 2025. That’s almost TWO AND A HALF years away!

A total lunar eclipse is a moment to revere, and a year with two full lunar eclipses must surely be something special. (Even if it has sometimes felt hard and difficult for you.)

At this time that so fleetingly comes around, with cold winter drawing in around us every day we step closer to December, what do I want? 

I want to bless you with the fertile, fresh, energy-boosting abilities of the Celtic Torc of the Total Eclipse.

The Celts have always known the fantastic value of the eclipse, even when other ancient cultures looked upon the astral phenomenon with fear and suspicion.

As such, several mystical Celtic artifacts have been blessed by the energy of the lunar-solar event, and we may now use one of these artifacts to our advantage. We may re-energize your romantic life and broader life and existence with this Torc.

Why wait until the new year to be born again?

Why not seize all the romantic and energetic refreshments you can when you can?

Before November 9th (a day so sadly like any other if you’ve failed to act in time) arrives. Before it’s too late to claim.



This total lunar eclipse will be fully visible over the Pacific and most of North America.

It will be a rising moon over Australia, Asia and some of Europe, and a setting moon over South America and some of the remainder of North America.

Many will see its beauty. Many will call it a blood moon or a red moon for the way that it looks. For that unique warm glow.

But few… so, so very few… will truly appreciate the power that courses through the sky (and can make its way down to earth if appropriately attracted) when the eclipse occurs. 

Thanks to the offering I’m extending to you, you could be one of those few. The Celtic Torc of the Total Eclipse could enable that to be your reality.

If I were you, I think I’d have two central questions at this point. I’d know why now – the eclipse is on Tuesday the 8th! – but I’d want to know:

  1. Why the Celtic Torc of the Total Eclipse, Elissa?
  2. Why ME, Elissa?

Let’s answer those questions. Let’s give you all you need to make the appropriate decision and request this Torc before the arrival of November 9th and the fading of the eclipse’s perfect power peak…



Torc is a special word for a thick, wrought metal necklace worn long ago by many important, revered members of society.

The Celtic Torc of the Total Eclipse is a carefully carved object that almost looks to be woven. And though it seems like any other ancient necklace artifact, beautiful but powerless, it is not.

A mystic healer created it, and it’s filled to the veritable brim with greatness.

This Torc will come into your life and, after activation and total alignment, double your fertility, romantic power and emotional energy for a period of nine months.

The Celts have revered and celebrated eclipses for a long time. Celtic traditions and beliefs espouse a deep respect for the moon and her feminine, healing energies, so when she came to prominence during a total lunar eclipse, it was felt to be a unique time.

A powerfully fertile time. 

The Torc was initially created by the healer mentioned above to bless women hoping to become pregnant.

At the moment of a total lunar eclipse, it was imbued with fertile energy, confident solar strength and calming astral power.

It was then given to its first recipient, who fell pregnant within the week, enjoyed a peaceful term and gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy with no trouble or strife.

Since this first offering of the Torc, its abilities have been expanded outward. It has developed a more common use for anyone needing romantic and energetic regeneration.

This, I feel, brings us to that second question…


WHY        ?

Why        ? Because you need regeneration. You need a new dawn – something the Celts always knew the power of.

I don’t want to say that your life is off-course, falling apart or anything so dramatic. But I will say that I’ve been checking in, and I know something isn’t quite right. 

I think you’re just tired, honestly. It’s been a long and busy year, and as it slowly draws to a close, you’re ready to put the battle weapons down and put your feet up. You’re ready to rest.

But stop! We can’t retreat yet. Great things are around the corner – I’ve seen them with my own eyes. (But you won’t. Not unless you keep pushing on.)

You need that classic new lease on life, spring in your step energy, and you need it now. Especially in your romantic sphere.

Will you let me be the one to provide it?

I hope I know the answer. 

In just a moment, I’ll leave you to your thoughts. I’ll leave you to consider everything I’ve shared and to realize what I already know.

(That this Torc could do you and your life so much good.)

Before I do, there is one more thing I need to say: If you can claim the Torc by the end of Tuesday, that most special day of the total lunar eclipse, I’ll also provide you with an additional FREE gift at no extra charge.

Your FREE Concise Romantic Reading is available to you thanks, once again, to the amazing event that is the total eclipse…

My Lunar Tarot Deck is close to fully charged right now and will reach that absolute peak on Tuesday. There’s no better time for me to use it to complete a quick two-card reading focused on your love life.

Don’t you think such a thing would perfectly supplement the romantic interventions we’re enacting through the Celtic Torc activation?

I do! To know your romantic life a little better in the near future, at a time when it will be changing for the better so rapidly, can only be helpful.

New passion. New energy. New enthusiasm. New        . I’ll be waiting to hear from you…


Your loving friend,

Ask for Your Celtic Torc of the Total Eclipse

+ FREE Concise Romantic Reading