Urgent Revelations for You

“You have been chosen by the Angels and they want to lead you to the love, wealth and happiness you’ve always desired…”


I am honored to be the one who will guide you, knowing how soon you and your dreams could be fulfilled. The sky is the limit for you, and it is my pleasure to guide you fearlessly and safely into the future.

I have made contact with        , your spiritual and divine protector and he has shown me simply how much potential you hold within yourself. I felt this to be true to begin with, but with high praise and assurances, I have never been more certain of a person’s success in my life. You will be able to speak and communicate with him yourself as you speak the summoning word and secret prayer I sent to you in a previous message.

Now is the time for me to tell you what         saw within you and your heart:


Heaven rewards those of patience, generosity and kindness and he sees all of this within you,        . You are a trustworthy friend and people seek your advice often.

You have confidence in your goals, even if you’re not always sure how to attain them – fear not, this confidence will serve you well in the days and months ahead. Your confidence has been mistaken for arrogance by some, but you do your best to keep it at bay and make those around you feel comfortable. You have a dazzling ability to self-reflect and thus, an excellent handle on who you are a person. Many people don’t know themselves as well as you know yourself.

You hate lying – both big lies and small lies – and have a hard time forgiving those who have lied to you. You believe honesty is the best policy, but can struggle with tact and timing in these cases. Those who believe you to be blunt may not see the compassion behind it. You make connections more easily than most, and this is due to the radiant energy you exude. Your positivity is infectious and people see you as a wonderful, outgoing person. That said, you tend to hide away when you’re not feeling your best and it can be difficult to shed negative energy.


After communicating about you with your angel, I feel a stronger bond to you as well and I understand his desperation to give you the things you want. He knows that what comes next for you will be different – experiences you’ve never had, but he also knows that you are strong enough to adapt to any situation and make of the best of it. With this guidance, you will certainly succeed.

Set aside some of your current priorities and set your sights even higher: take every opportunity that comes your way for love, luck, happiness and prosperity. Let’s shift the focus to two major aspects in your life:



This is a great phase of change for you and a perfect time to wipe your slate clean and start a new.

What comes next may not solve all of your problems, but it will begin to offer you fulfilling solutions that will change your life in ways you didn’t expect.

Your guardian told me much about you, and he told me that your focus on honesty comes from a place of hurt – you were betrayed and now you fear it. This fear has sometimes paralyzed you and lead you astray, but it’s not too late to turn it around.  With his guidance, you will come to make better decisions that aren’t simply based in negative reactions. You will begin to make decisions from a more passive perspective that will have a more positive impact.

[IMPORTANT] In the coming weeks and months, consider your relationships – there are those you still interact with that you’ve been second guessing and now is the time to let them go. Filter those who are unkind, unsupportive or simply constantly negative out of your life and become closer to those who have always been there and listened to you with a sympathetic ear. You deserve positivity, and to maintain that, toxicity must be put behind us.

You ask a lot of your romances and friendships, but sometimes your expectations are unreachable, drawing from fantasies and hopeless ideals.

This same imagination can lead you to darkness though, fear and anxiety that can taint your relationships in ways you never intended. Some relationships may have even become too complicated because of this, and this is why you must remember to center yourself. Remember that our fantasies and dreams are merely guidelines and our anxieties are often unfounded. Expect the best from people, but don’t expect more than they can possibly offer. Make the most of these new “simplified” relationships and know in the future, they will only grow to greater heights.


I have been shown the struggles you have felt, especially in terms of financial disappointments. All you desire is security, but rescinded offers, lost opportunities and plans that have fallen apart have made you feel hurt and tired.

       ,         tells me that these events have affected you in such a way that you have stopped believing in your own fortune and luck, despite your uncanny ability to draw luck wherever you need it. While you have everything you need to succeed on paper, you feel let down by the situations around you and by your own self – don’t feel let down, your time is nearing and soon, all of this will be but a distant memory. If you give up now, it may never happen for you.

You fall into bad patterns sometimes – while feeling hopeless about your financial situation, you find yourself sometimes splurging on items to make yourself feel better. This is natural, and few of us aren’t guilty of that from time to time, but the guilt you feel afterward makes the reward feel hollow and not worth the trouble in the end. Be aware of your fickle mind. It’s tempting to throw in the towel and live the way you always have, but success comes to those with great courage and resolve and it’s time to start fighting for what you deserve once more.


With your guardian’s protection and blessing, you will find new ways to prosper and make more educated decisions when it comes time to seize the opportunities you’ve been waiting for.

As I finished my contact with your guardian, I concentrated deeply on your name and birth date and, with his help, I was able to make telepathic contact with you and your subconscious mind. I can feel some of the forces that are at work around you and those that impact you deeply. This is something we must discuss in order to better understand how to overcome the obstacles that are in your way.

My connection with you has shown to me that the past still weighs on your heavily, and that it has impeded your success, whether you’re aware of it or not. Your soul and mind are tired from your many attempts to free yourself and this casts it’s shadow over your future as well. With help from your beloved guardian, I began a purification ritual immediately and hope this will ease the pressures in your life.

Once we’re able to identify what it is that is holding you down, we can rid you of it and your happiness can become the main focus once more. I admit my concern for you at first, but your guardian is optimistic and knows that you will be able to push on. He left me with this final message:

“Elissa, I am entrusting you as a translator and guide to my dear        . Things have rarely been easy and I would like to be able to deliver them to the joy they truly deserve – this is something I can only do through you.         needs peace, love, friendship and fortune going forth and together we will do all we can to ensure that they succeed. When you read the Angelic Arcana, I will be there and guide you to the road you must follow.         – tell me your dreams and your goals, and we will begin to enrich your life.” 

As you know, angels see a great many things and have the power to change fate or even reverse it. They have keen senses and know when to simply watch over their charges, and the precise times when they should intervene, as         knows now is the time for you. He knew that this meeting was meant to occur and this is why we are speaking – so that I may perform a divine reading for you.

       , I can help you here and now, thanks to my Heaven-inspired Celestial Tarot Deck

       , your personal guardian angel, has asked me to perform a reading of the Celestial Tarot on your behalf. In this way, I will interpret the various messages the angels have to tell you and         will guide me in their interpretation and how they pertain to you and your future.


When you receive your “The Grand 12-Month Celestial Tarot Reading, we can begin to focus on your specific goals and dreams and all you must do to achieve them, with our help. Is it financial security you want, or to find true love?

Do you want closer and richer personal relationships or simply happiness and peace of mind?

The journey ahead of you may be long and fraught with peril, but with the advice of the angels, you need only find the right opportunities and seize them for all of this to be yours. 


What will come for you in the next 12 months will change the course of your destiny.

Before we begin, however, there’s a few things you must know:

Important fact #1

I have been inspired by angels since I was a small child, and I have spoken with them since then as well. I’ve always known this was a gift I wanted to share, so when they entrusted me with my celestial tarot deck, I was thrilled to be able to help others with it’s divine insights. I am no longer surprised with it’s constant accuracy – after all, the source allows me to communicate directly with the 72 major angels who rule the astral planes and channel their divinity, giving me a clairvoyance like few others.

Important fact #2

Whether you believe it or not, the angels are always listen to our prayers and requests, especially your personal guardian angel. If they have begun to contact you, that means it’s time for you to begin your grand journey to prosperity – they believe your time of struggle is over and the time for rewards is ready. Your protector has shown me in a clear and soft light that you are a beautiful soul – kind, honest and brave, and I admire this in you which fuels my desire to help you with all sincerity. I know things have been difficult for you, but everything changes now.

Important fact #3

Today, you enter The Cycle of Active Faith – a faith that doesn’t necessarily mean religion, but your spiritual self, your inner confidence and the strength of your very soul. The angels have chosen you because they believe your strength to be worthy of this adventure they are keen to send you on and now you will come through richer on the other side. Forget obstacles – they will no longer be a burden to you, but something you can and will overcome.  

The powers of the “Cycle of Active Faith”

The secret behind “active faith” lies in mental visualization. As you fall asleep at night, practice thinking of your greatest desire with all your might – imagine it came true, and how that will look. How will it sound, how will it feel? Channel your energy into those visions and miracles can happen. Anyone can do it and it will bolster your luck and fortune in the days ahead. Whenever you feel like you need extra help, or a boost in your power, don’t forget to summon your guardian with the secret word and prayer I sent to you before – he can bless you and make this exercise even more powerful.

When your angel first showed me visions of your life, I was heartbroken on your behalf.

I was concerned that you had lost hope and had given up on attaining goals you’d decided were unattainable after all. While I mulled over my concern for you, the angels showed me one more vision: a vision of your future. I saw two images: one, of a life given up on – comfortable perhaps, but joyless and without true meaning. Another, a future of great love and success, where you live your passions and spread your fortune with those you love. It’s up to you where you decide to go. In my many years, I have assisted and uplifted many who were so deep in despair they thought they’d never escape and since then, I’ve received hundreds of letters of thanks from those I helped, grateful for the lives they discovered and lived with the help of my gifts and the angels themselves. Lucky streaks, job promotions, love etc.

I believe that it was thanks to my celestial tarot that I was able to “save” the future of these people, and have been able to do so since I was a child. This is why I’m offering you the The Grand 12-Month Celestial Tarot Reading – in fact, the angels themselves asked me to perform this for you. They want you to begin your journey now, and with a single step – and the 12-Month reading will act as a roadmap and field guide to what you can expect in your immediate future. You will have one card for each month inspired directly by the angel each one represents. The collective wisdom of a dozen angels are at your fingertips – you need only agree. 

My readings all follow a specific flow: I first withdraw to my work cabinet, an area I refer to as “my temple”. It is a quiet place where I can reflect in total peace in order to best concentrate. I light incense and celestial candles to clear the mind and get into a meditative state before I begin to meditate for several minutes. It is then that I am able to make contact with the astral planes, the world of the angels. They begin to guide me as I pick the cards out for you – each card is imbued with the power of the angels themselves. Each angel, of each card, speaks to me about you and your fortune, and I simply transcribe the divine words they tell me. It’s not only their words that are channeled, however – it is also their power and might that connects to each card I draw on your behalf.

More than just a reading that can help to guide your future, I also have the opportunity to write a book of your life and achievements – something to look back on when you feel like surveying all you have accomplished.

Once I have your permission, I can begin to speak with the angels as soon as possible and in no time, I will be able to offer you their powerful insights for the next year of your life. Angels do not lie and all they want for you is a happier, healthier and more fortuitous life.

With love,