As I’ve already mentioned very briefly, your Ancestral Influence Intervention has been completed


The changes to the fabric of the spiritual world were made successfully with the help of your ancestors.

The state of your magnetism is poised to change profoundly as soon as you complete the Acceptance…


The Acceptance process for this Intervention is not complex, but it is precise. Please read through the following steps several times before actively attempting to enact them. This way, you’ll ensure you get everything right the first time!

  1. Look upon your face in a mirror you don’t need to hold onto, keeping your hands free at your sides.
  2. Study each line and feature with intent, precision, and focus. Know yourself deeply, not as you’ve been or will be, but as you are now.
  3. Place a palm on either cheek, make direct eye contact with yourself, and whisper: I call my ancestors to the fore in every long-inherited feature. Each crease and curve of the only face I’ve ever known.
  4. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in.
  5. Drag your palms down your cheeks and turn your fingertips in, flipping your hands back toward your cheeks with the palms now facing out.
  6. Release your held breath. Open your eyes.
  1. Make eye contact with yourself a second and final time, and whisper: Let your intervention strengthen my influence and free me from fear. I accept what you’ve fought to make real.

When these steps are complete, so is the Acceptance.

The Intervention should take after your next whole night’s sleep – and you should wake up feeling the absence of any interpersonal walls or barriers. You should feel more able to be vulnerable and request help than you have in a long time. (Maybe ever?)

This is when you’ll be able to turn your attention to your two FREE gifts – the Rules of Ethical Magnetism and the Self-Actualization Reflection Session…


Hold onto these Rules, and you’ll remain in the cosmic good books, never missing any chance at star-drawn luck.

  • Consider your motivations with care – In a world where it’s relatively easy to make someone do something for you – or even just to ask for assistance with something – it’s imperative that you keep a clear sense of your motivations and goals. What’s moving you to action? Is that action the right decision? Will your plans be detrimental to the people you’re going to seek out for help?
  • Aim to collaborate rather than order around – There’s a balance, as we’ve discussed before. Ethical magnetism means leaning on others for support when you can’t go it alone, but it doesn’t mean passing off your burdens entirely to someone else – someone with their own set of problems, no doubt. Make your can’t-do-it-alone projects healthy collaborations, not complete handovers.
  • Nobody is obliged to share EVERYTHING – Opening up and removing layers of self-protection is a gift. That doesn’t mean you must lay yourself bare for anyone asking. It’s okay if there are things you don’t want to share, perhaps because it doesn’t feel right or perhaps because you’re still working through your internal processing. You can be influential without giving away every secret.
  • Self-awareness depends on impartiality – Retain people in your circle who won’t say yes for the sake of it, whether that’s a bluntly honest loved one or even an impartial professional like a therapist. Continue to welcome constructive criticism. You must see yourself in an honest light if you genuinely want to remain ethical. If you wish to keep everything above board as you improve your life.
  • Quality communication costs nothing – The best way to avoid abuse or overstepping is simple. Communicate – clearly, honestly, effectively – and make space in your processes for people to do the same in return. Never foster an environment in which silence and festering resentment prevail. Better out than in for all matters of the heart.
  • Never work against your innate kindness – So far, the world has not been able to make you bitter or closed off. You have remained innately soft and kind. HOLD ONTO this kindness as your lot in life improves and your vulnerabilities decrease to quiet background noise. Remember every core moment that confirmed, beyond a doubt, how valuable it was to be loving and giving above anything else.
  • Set and respect boundaries in equal measure – Don’t push over the boundaries of the people around you, even if it’s the only way to get what you want. Conversely, don’t let other people push your boundaries. A person with defined limits and reasonable behavioral expectations is far more likely to be ethical and respectful of those limits/expectations shared by another.


This Session is the combination of two sonic experiences. The first will require you to play this attuning instrumental track:


The second will require you to record your own voice repeating the following meditative journey:

“Let your body sink into a cosmic landscape. Occupy your heart and soul, your bones and sinew becoming a gentle afterthought.

You have never been anywhere but here.

You have never been anyone but you.

You are one of the stars in all the ways that matter.

Your blueprint is entirely original. You are the only version of you. And what magic to know that this world would not be the same without you in it, being exactly who you were meant to be.

Who is that?

In this resonant space, where you can listen free of fear, what is your passion? Your path? Your unmatched talent?

Only one person will know you to the core. You.

So what do you know? What rests there, cradled in your ribcage? And where is it meant to go next?

Move through the deep hues of the galaxy, considering each atom of your being as an irreplaceable thing.

Who are you?

Who have you been? Who will you be?

If you have never been anywhere but here, where will you be tomorrow?”

You’ll play back this recording along with the instrumental track, letting the latter continue when the former ends.

Eyes closed, you’ll need to tune in with your entire heart and give yourself over to the process in every sense of the word.

Then, slowly, the clouds will clear. Your sense of self will crystallize. You’ll know your potential, your uniqueness, your talent profile – and your path ahead will grow clearer and clearer, too…

That’s everything I promised to share with you,        .

Take it all at your own pace. You’ve got this.

Your loving friend,