Important days are ahead of you,         and on these days, anything is possible. Prepare for your 3 Days of Fortune, 3 days that could change your life forever. 

Here they are:


Your first day of fortune will be on        

Your second day will fall on        

and your third day will be on        


These three days could change everything for you. They will be days of great opportunity and the luck you so dearly deserve – but it doesn’t have to end there. I offer you another gift – a ritual for 12 Days of Fortune, offering you 12 days of blessings and boons instead. With love, I have added instructions for this ritual below:

Here is the ritual :

Secret 12 Days of Fortune communicated by Elissa to        

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Neptune is known as a planet of great fortune and prosperity and it will be present in your astrological cycle as you begin. By performing this ritual, you will be able to take advantage of it’s benefits and extend it’s power.


Ingredients and Accessories:

  • Five Red or Yellow candles

  • Sage, ideally whole and dried

  • A heaping tablespoon of coarse sea salt

  • A small piece of unlined paper

  • A red pen/pencil



On your third day of fortune, the planet Neptune will be within your astral chart and it will will be at it’s highest level of influence. In order to use this ritual correctly, you should perform it on that third night of fortune. Be sure to find an empty room where you will be undisturbed.

  • Place the unlit candles in a circle around you, being careful clear away anything flammable nearby (such as carpets or thick rugs). Before you light them, write ‘Protection’ on your small piece of paper using a red writing tool and place it in the middle of the circle. Light the candles carefully, being sure to take care that you don’t burn yourself.
  • Boil 2 liters of water. Once at a boil, put the salt and the sage into the water. Turn the heat off and cover the pot and allow it to steep for twenty minutes. Once done, strain the mixture carefully into a large bowl.
  • When the water has cooled enough that you can touch it without harm, sprinkle some of this mixture with your hand over the ground where you have set up your candles as you say repeat invocation, “Fortuna detrahet, Neptune.”, five times.
  • Extinguish the candles once you’re complete – you can get rid of your mystical sage potion as well, and the ritual will be completed. Neptune will grant you continued fortune for the next nine days, granting you 12 Days of Fortune.