Can I tell you a secret?


Can I entrust you with a truth about the universe that I know to be correct – even when I don’t know anything else? 

LOVE is everything. 

LOVE is the beating heart of human life.

We should all STRIVE to be defined by the things we love rather than the things we hate. (Down that road lies only madness.)

Our existence would be meaningless without love in all its glorious, varied forms. In fact, without love, our existence probably wouldn’t even prevail! After all, what’s the point of being human if you can’t share your care, affection and adoration with anyone?

In an ideal world, every one of us would love fearlessly, boldly and constantly –  and we’d watch everything else fall into place when we did. 

We’d easily share ourselves with deserving loved ones, accepting what we give in kind.

But we aren’t in an ideal world.

Sadly, the innate human ability to love others – platonic, familial AND romantic bonds included – brings both meaning and pain. 

It gets us hurt quite a lot. And when we’re betrayed, let down, or not met where we are in the way we deserve, the fire in our hearts dims. 

It fades and flickers as if doused in the high-pressure spray of water at the scene of an emergency. Blue and red lights shine atop a metaphorical fire engine as the light in our eyes recedes. Counterbalance.

The passionate drive to care, to give oneself to others, to connect? That fades with time and repeated hurt.

You know it’s true. You’ve felt it firsthand. 

Your first love is so hard to forget, to move on from, circumstances be damned – because most of the time, it’s the only love you enter into with a fully open and unguarded heart.  

After that, you start to build walls. 

And        ? It’s gotten to the point where we really need to talk about your walls…

At the moment, your heart is shuttered, and the fire is low. Perhaps because of family baggage. Or romantic baggage. Or old, ended friendships from which you never received any closure… Or some blood-cooling combination of the three.

There are still so many people you love and care about in your orbit, but the fear is always there. 

What if they leave, too? 

What if they don’t really know you and wouldn’t like you anymore if they did?

What if it means something to you that it doesn’t to them?

You can’t keep living like this, endlessly second-guessing your feelings. 

So, this week, I’d like to help you reignite your Heart Fire – that swirling mass of emotion at your core that lets you love passionately and fearlessly when it shines bright.

I want to share everything you’ll need to complete a “Heart Fire Cultivation Rite.” 

I’m sure you have questions… Let’s start with… Why? 

Because your heart is disconnected!

Because my study of your immediate future reveals some interesting events on the horizon – both struggles and opportunities – and I just know… 

The struggles will be easier and the opportunities will be more fruitful if you can really share them with the people in your life. (Openly, honestly, unburdened by past hurts.)

As for the what?

This Heart Fire Cultivation Rite is a ritualistic process designed to stoke and strengthen your Heart Fire. It will:

  1. Build the Heart Fire up again, increasing its size and intensity (thus increasing the scope and intensity of your love and improving your ability to express it to others without being choked by fear).
  2. Insulate the Heart Fire (thus protecting it from any damage that might be caused by future pains/hurts/betrayals – we can ALWAYS get hurt, I can’t prevent that, but our strength is in our ability to move on or rise above).

If you hope to become braver with your love, this Rite is for you. 

If you hope to become more resilient to the natural ebbs and flows of relationships, this Rite is for you. 

If you’re ready to feel connected, passionate and daring again – like you once did before – this Rite is for you. 

And        ? I really, really think this Rite is for you. 

Maybe how is one of your questions, too…

Maybe you wonder where this Rite came from…

It was actually developed by a friend of mine – a fellow mystic with a fire-based elemental specialism. His name is Edmundo, and he was once the owner of an incredibly guarded heart. 

Edmundo crafted the Rite, winding together strands of ancient magic, to help himself. 

To open up his heart, entirely and authentically, to a person he cared about deeply and didn’t want to lose because of fear-driven resistance and foolishness.

I won’t dive into the specifics. That’s Edmundo’s story to tell. I’ll simply express that his childhood and early adult life shaped his view of love into something warped and complicated, and fixing that wasn’t easy. 

Still, when he met this special person, he realized he HAD to try. And try, he did.

… Until the Rite worked. 

Flashforward to today? Edmundo is happily married – and always glad of an opportunity to share the Rite with deserving recipients like you.

(Yes, I told him a little about you and your situation. Yes, he agrees with my assessment of things. He wants to help you unshutter your heart and love freely in every sense, as he’s been able to.)

The passion and connectedness of your Heart Fire could soon be in a far better place, freeing you to give your love with ease and abandon to everyone who deserves it. 

Edmundo is willing to share everything I need to help you – if you ask.

You just need to request your HEART FIRE CULTIVATION RITE before the first second of        , and we can get the ball rolling.

If you do that for me? (And for yourself, more importantly…)

I’ll further brighten your life by looking more closely at the events in your immediate future – the ones I mentioned earlier, both challenging struggles and important opportunities. 

I’ll provide you with a FREE Three-Month Charted Path, explaining what I know about what’s to come and advising you on how best to navigate each occurrence.

Combined with your renewed and protected Heart Fire and its positive impact on your relationships, this Path should set you up for significant progress and success in the weeks ahead.

Isn’t that an excellent thought?

Edmundo and I patiently await the opportunity to rectify your Heart Fire issues. 

Love is everything. 

Love is the answer.

So, what’s YOUR answer?


Your loving friend,

Ask for Your Heart Fire Cultivation Rite

+ FREE Three-Month Charted Path