To have reached this moment with you is a blessing


To know that your future is bright and you’re on the right path is a weight lifted from my mind.

I’ll share your Sword of Freyr and your Super-Powered Quad of Peaceful Incantations below, and if you follow the instructions that I give you, success won’t be far off.

Believe in yourself the way that I have always believed in you.

We’ll begin with your Sword of Freyr



As you know, I’ve now successfully magnetized your Sword of Freyr. I won’t get too deep into the process with you because it was long, tiring, and complex.

All you need to know is that I worked hard to bind you to this Sword and pull power into it from the source Sword, which now hangs in my office

And thankfully, everything went to plan.

Now, the baton must be passed to you, and you must activate this Sword in order to feel its benefits in your life.

Here are your instructions:

  1. Print out your Sword of Freyr (or have it ready to view on a portable screen, like your mobile phone).
  2. The following steps must take place over three consecutive evenings, so be sure to read through them ahead of time and be sure that you can accommodate each one. (If you miss an evening, you’ll have to begin again.)
  3. Gather together a harvest bounty offering in honor of Freyr, who was a god of the harvest and crops. Place three different fruits in a bowl, along with some kind of grain – bread, rice, pasta.
  4. Take this harvest bounty offering and place it at the foot of your bed.
  5. Go to sleep that evening with the Sword of Freyr beneath your pillow and the bounty offering at the bottom of your bed.
  6. When you wake up the following morning, lie on your back and reach your arms up above you.
  7. Take a deep breath in, a deep breath out, and another deep breath in. Then, say: My offering was left to show my alignment and dedication. I will continue on this path with love and determination.
  8. Clear away the harvest bounty offering and locate an object in your home that makes you feel truly and completely happy like the sun is rising inside of your chest. Freyr was also a god of sunshine.
  9. That evening, place your chosen object at the foot of your bed, and again, go to sleep with your object in place and your Sword beneath your pillow.
  10. When you wake, reach your arms up above you, complete the same three deep breaths, and then say: Day two begins with a piece of personal sunshine. Slowly, you know me, and slowly, we align.
  11. Return your object to its rightful place and gather a plate of money – bills, coins, whatever you have around the house will work – to place at the bottom of your bed that evening. Freyr was also a god of prosperity.
  12. Go to sleep.
  13. Wake up, reach up, breathe, and say: Finally, financially, I ask to be lovingly blessed. My future now belongs to you, and so does all the rest.
  14. At this stage, you’ll be almost fully aligned with your Sword of Freyr.
  15. End the ritual by taking the Sword out from beneath your pillow and pressing your dominant palm against it. Close your eyes, count down from 15, and imagine a tether of golden light binding you to your Sword.

That’s all it is,        .

Three nights of offerings and mantras, followed by many nights of joy, peace, and prosperity.

With the activation complete, you’ll begin to feel success and luck filling up your life. Opportunities will come more easily, and answers will sit on the tip of your tongue.

Stay grounded as best you can and navigate the changes to your life with your head held high and your morals held strongly.

Now, I’ll hand over your FREE Super-Powered Quad of Peaceful Incantations


This Super-Powered Quad came, as I’ve told you, from the same Norse grimoire that the Sword of Freyr’s magnetization spell did. 

Each of the four Incantations is incredibly powerful and impactful, but only when used sparingly (no more than one Incantation per week) and only when used correctly (at no time other than when one of the Incantations feels truly needed).

To repeat each Incantation at maximum strength and receive the best possible results, you’ll need to:

  1. Wait for nightfall. 
  2. Create a wide circle of lit tealights in an otherwise dark room.
  3. Sit down in the center of it.
  4. Close your eyes.
  5. Repeat your chosen incantation twice over, pausing for ten deep breaths (five in, five out) between the repetitions.

Incantation for Interpersonal Harmony

Conflicts, bitter arguments, and battles rage,

Between friends, between foes, in the night and in the day.

I know no force with the power to stop it all.

I know no mystical entity that could end all war.

Still, I wish for harmony,

Among those surrounding me.

Still, I wish for peace and love,

From the astral forces far above.

May I walk through relationships without coming face-to-face with rage.

May my loved ones and I remain on the same page.

If I’m calm, and I’m thoughtful, and I show that I care,

May nothing be so broken it’s beyond repair.

Incantation for Inner Peace

You might have all the tools you need and still never make it happen,

You might be pitched a thousand hits, but never one worth catching.

In life, there are no guarantees, and this, I must accept.

For if I don’t, I’ll always feel: Scorned, ignored, bereft.

Teach me to seek inner peace and find my way of living.

Teach me to be ever kind, and warm, and open, and giving.

Fill up my heart with buoyancy and make me independent,

Let the strength that lives inside of me be ever more ascendant.

 Incantation for Lighting Up the Darkness

Hello, sorrow, passing feeling,

Today, you are quite strong.

But if I listen only to you,

I fear you’ll steer me wrong.

Instead, I shine a light into,

The heart of all your dark.

Instead, I walk away from you,

I breathe, and again, I start.

Hello, calm, passing feeling,

Today, you’re gaining power.

And if I sit and gather you,

I’ll be well within the hour.

Feelings come and go, it seems,

Like sunshine and cloud cover.

But isn’t sorrow also love?

You can’t have one without the other.


Incantation for New Perspective

I need a new way to see the world, and to see my situation,

For the way that I am viewing it now is causing me frustration.

We all, sometimes, feel limited and stuck where we have landed.
And at these times, I turn to the stars, and I reach out open-handed.

Show me what I’ve been missing and reveal the path that’s best.

Help me overcome this moment and meet, head-on, this test.

I want to be enlightened and shown the truth I’ve missed,

With new learnings in my heart, I’ll continue to persist.

That concludes your Incantations,        . Listen to my conditions, and they’ll serve you well.

Now that we’re here, success is at your doorstep. Isn’t that exciting?


Your loving friend,